layout: true <div class="my-footer"><span><a href=""</span>MPPAW November 14, 2023</span></a></div> <!-- this adds the link footer to all slides, depends on my-footer class in css--> --- name: xaringan-title class: left, top, inverse background-image: url(img/learn2.jpg) background-size: cover # <!-- <img src="mppaw.JPG" alt="MPPAW logo" height= "125" width="188" />--> # .fancy2[.BLACK[Everything **BUT** Statistics]] ### .fancy2[.BLACK[
for Authoring Websites, Reports, and <br>Presentations ...Oh My!!]] .large[[
]( .BLACK[| Mike DeFabiis ] <br> [
]( .BLACK[| Diego Figueiras ] <br> [
]( .BLACK[| Casey Osorio-Dufoo ] <br> [
]( .BLACK[| John Kulas ] ] <!-- this ends up being the title slide since seal = FALSE --> --- name: context class: center, middle, inverse # .fancy[The (much too) common perspective on
:] -- .pull-left[ I have a statistical program <br>.spssred[(**I currently use**)] ] -- .pull-right[ I have a statistical program <br>.rblue[(**I'm gonna switch to**)] ] --  --- class: center, middle, inverse #.fancy[However...] ##.fancy[...
is not just a statistical substitute] -- ##.fancy[It is actually a .rblue[multipurpose] operating environment]  --- name: new class: center, top, inverse # .fancy[A better (more useful) perspective on
:] -- .pull-left[ I have many platforms <br>.spssred[(**I currently use to navigate my job**)]<br> <img src="img/word.png" width="100" height="100" style="position:absolute; left:10px; bottom:330px;"> <img src="img/excel.png" width="100" height="100" style="position:absolute; left:120px; bottom:330px;"> <img src="img/powerpoint.png" width="100" height="100" style="position:absolute; left:230px; bottom:330px;"> <img src="img/spss_solo.png" width="100" height="100" style="position:absolute; left:340px; bottom:330px;"> <img src="img/powerbi.png" width="100" height="100" style="position:absolute; left:437px; bottom:330px;"> <img src="img/qualtrics.png" width="130" height="65" style="position:absolute; left:532px; bottom:347px;"> ] ??? Power of replacement actually comes from Quarto (presented on later slides), with
merely being one current way to use Quarto -- .pull-right[ I have a 1 (free) platform <br>.rblue[(**to rule them all**)]<br> <img src="img/R.png" width="200" height="150"> <img src="img/thisway.webp" width="100", height="80" style="position:absolute; left:675px; bottom:350px;"> ]  --- name: better class: center, top, inverse # .fancy[Common processes
can power:] ??? 1. statistics 2. presentations 3. websites 4. academic manuscripts 5. books 6. dissertations & theses 7. technical reports 8. dashboards And much more. Only really limited by YOUR creativity & vision. -- <img src="img/rover.JPG" height= "180" width="900" /> -- <img src="img/stats.jpg" width="150" height="200" style="position:absolute; left:550px; bottom:150px;"> -- <img src="img/slids.png" width="230" height="150" style="position:absolute; left:800px; bottom:100px;"> -- <img src="img/website.png" width="260" height="150" style="position:absolute; left:180px; bottom:105px;"> -- <img src="img/manuscript.png" width="200" height="300" style="position:absolute; left:650px; bottom:100px;"> -- <img src="img/books.png" width="200" height="300" style="position:absolute; left:380px; bottom:30px;"> -- <img src="img/dissertation.jpg" width="270" height="180" style="position:absolute; right:200px; bottom:180px;"> -- <img src="img/report.png" width="230" height="265" style="position:absolute; left:240px; bottom:110px;"> -- <img src="img/dashboard.svg" width="230" height="265" style="position:absolute; left:530px; bottom:10px;"> -- <img src="" width="520" height="370" style="position:absolute; left:360px; bottom:10px;"> --- name: how class: center, top, inverse ##.fancy[🤨 How? 😵] -- .pull-left[ ## .salt[.fancy[Packages!!]] <img src="img/package3.png" width="300" height="300" style="position:absolute; left:180px; bottom:120px;"> <img src="img/package2.svg" width="200" height="200" style="position:absolute; left:90px; bottom:70px;"> <img src="img/package1.svg" width="300" height="300" style="position:absolute; left:350px; bottom:10px;"> ] -- <img src="img/ampersand.PNG" width="100", height="100" style="position:absolute; right:590px; top:270px;"> <img src="img/rstudio.png" width="550", height="200" style="position:absolute; right:25px; top:300px;"> --- name: whazzr class: center, middle, inverse <img src="img/R.png" width="300", height="225" style="position:absolute; left:65px; bottom:250px;"> ??? + Language and platform basically indistinguishable + Application typical software program + Bell labs and/or U of Aukland "product" + 1993 first release + Free/open-source + Two primary operating environments (interactive **console** and static **script**) + Philosophy: function over form -- <img src="img/Blue_sphere.svg.png" width="50", height="50" style="position:absolute; left:385px; bottom:360px;"> <img src="img/Blue_sphere.svg.png" width="50", height="50" style="position:absolute; left:385px; bottom:300px;"> <img src="img/rsnip.png" width="700", height="500" style="position:absolute; right:50px; top:80px;"> --- name: whazzrstudio class: center, middle, inverse <img src="img/rstudio.png" width="420", height="160" style="position:absolute; left:10px; bottom:280px;"> ??? + Commercial application (but also free) - background here: [
]( + "Founded" roughly 2009 + Facilitates use of
+ Function maintained, form improved + 4 operating environments + Blurred boundaries (we'll refer to
even if we're technically operating within
Studio) + If anyone hasn't installed
Studio, **send a private chat to Roger** - he will let us know and we'll help in breakout rooms during intro spiel -- <img src="img/Blue_sphere.svg.png" width="50", height="50" style="position:absolute; left:440px; bottom:360px;"> <img src="img/Blue_sphere.svg.png" width="50", height="50" style="position:absolute; left:440px; bottom:300px;"> <img src="img/rstudiosnip.png" width="690", height="470" style="position:absolute; right:10px; top:100px;"> --- name: packages class: center, top, inverse .pull-left[ ## .fancy[[
Packages](] ] ??? + data visualization + data manipulation -- <img src="img/hex-ggplot2.png" width="185" height="210" style="position:absolute; left:202.5px; bottom:262px;"> -- <img src="img/dplyr.png" width="180" height="205" style="position:absolute; left:109px; bottom:105px;"> -- <img src="img/ctticc.png" width="190" height="215" style="position:absolute; left:292px; bottom:100px;"> -- .pull-right[ ## .fancy[
"Authoring" Packages:] ] -- <img src="img/rmarkdown.png" width="185" height="210" style="position:absolute; right:202.5px; bottom:262px;"> -- <img src="img/xaringan.png" width="185" height="210" style="position:absolute; right:297px; bottom:100px;"> -- <img src="img/quarto.png" width="185" height="210" style="position:absolute; right:107px; bottom:100px;"> --- name: context class: left, top, inverse #.fancy[The evolution of authoring packages...] <img src="img/rmd_ecosystem.png" width="900" height="500" style="position:absolute; right:350px; bottom:30px;"> ??? + `\(\LaTeX\)` & html (dates unknown) + literate programming (1984; code + written text) + exploding recently - thanks to RStudio & Jupiter Notebooks + markdown (2004) -- <img src="img/bracket.png" width="300" height="500" style="position:absolute; right:250px; bottom:30px;"> <img src="img/quarto.png" width="205" height="230" style="position:absolute; right:100px; bottom:170px;"> --- name: RStudio class: left, top, inverse #.fancy[...parallels the evolution of
Studio]: .pull-left[ #.fancy[
Studio:] <img src="img/R.png" width="200" height="150" style="position:absolute; left:200px;"> <img src="img/python.png" width="50" height="60" style="position:absolute; left:200px; bottom:200px;"> ] -- <img src="img/bluearrow.svg" width="150" height="250" style="position:absolute; right: 550px; bottom: 200px;"> .pull-right[ #.fancy[Posit:] <img src="img/R.png" width="200" height="150" style="position:absolute; right:200px;"> <img src="img/python.png" width="220" height="255" style="position:absolute; right:30px; top:80px;"> <img src="img/julia.png" width="300" height="300" style="position:absolute; right:320px; bottom:30px;"> ] ??? New branding announced by Hadley Wickham at R Studio 2022 conference - Hadley says Quarto is the new rMarkdown --- class: center, top, inverse <img src="img/rstudio.png" width="550" height="200" style="position:absolute; left:100px; top:130px;"> <img src="img/bluearrow.svg" width="250" height="250" style="position:absolute; right: 300px; top: 120px;"> <img src="img/posit.svg" width="205" height="230" style="position:absolute; right:100px; top:110px;"> -- <img src="img/rmd_ecosystem.png" width="530" height="300" style="position:absolute; left:125px; bottom:60px;"> <img src="img/bluearrow.svg" width="350" height="250" style="position:absolute; right: 300px; bottom: 70px;"> <img src="img/quarto.png" width="205" height="230" style="position:absolute; right:100px; bottom:90px;"> ??? Quarto actually an independent platform. There is a Quarto
package, but it mostly provides shortcuts for control-line commands. Deep explanation of Quarto with development team available here: [
]( --- name: timing class: left, top, inverse # .fancy[Timing (for us as a field):] .pull-left[ .large[
Studio is a [Public Benefit Corporation](,a%20responsible%20and%20sustainable%20manner.) with a mission to create free and open source software for *data science*, *scientific research*, and .kindabig[.rblue[*technical communication*]] ] ] .pull-right[  ] ??? Hadley and JJ referred to this as their "charter" --- name: tonight class: left, top, inverse #.fancy[.salt[Tonight:]] ##.fancy[We'll be using <s>both the "legacy" .rblue[rmarkdown] packages as well as</s> the "new" .rblue[Quarto] platform to generate:] ??? + A template business report + A website + A parameterization of the business report -- <img src="img/kpi-report.svg" width="250" height="270" style="position:absolute; left:130px; bottom:70px;"> -- <img src="img/web.png" width="250" height="250" style="position:absolute; left:480px; bottom:40px;"> -- <img src="img/automation.svg" width="250" height="250" style="position:absolute; right:120px; bottom:90px;"> --- class: center, top, inverse # .fancy[Outline]: .pull-left[.salt[10-15 minute] <br>.large[overview]] .pull-right[.heat[10 minute] <br>.large[working session]] ??? + The breakout sessions will start at 10 minutes + We can extend if necessary/requested after the first 10 minute breakout + Slides will be pasted into the chat at the end of each overview section -- <img src="img/web.png" width="120" height="120" style="position:absolute; left:250px; top:250px;"> -- <img src="img/bluearrow.svg" width="250" height="200" style="position:absolute; right: 500px; top: 210px;"> <img src="img/breakout.jpg" width="300" height="300" style="position:absolute; right: 150px; bottom: 100px;"> -- <img src="img/kpi-report.svg" width="120" height="120" style="position:absolute; left:250px; top:370px;"> -- <img src="img/bluearrow.svg" width="250" height="200" style="position:absolute; right: 500px; top: 330px;"> -- <img src="img/automation.svg" width="120" height="120" style="position:absolute; left:250px; top:500px;"> -- <img src="img/bluearrow.svg" width="250" height="200" style="position:absolute; right: 500px; top: 450px;"> -- <img src="img/chat.svg" width="80" height="80" style="position:absolute; left: 380px; top: 230px;"> -- <img src="img/chat.svg" width="80" height="80" style="position:absolute; left: 380px; top: 350px;"> -- <img src="img/chat.svg" width="80" height="80" style="position:absolute; left: 380px; top: 470px;"> --- class: inverse # .fancy[Prepare for Penguin Onslaught!!! 🐧] <img src="" style="position:absolute; left: 350px; bottom: 200px;"> <img src="" width="250" height="250" style="position:absolute; left: 40px; top: 150px;"> <img src="" width="300" height="300" style="position:absolute; right: 20px; bottom: 80px;"> <img src="" width="350" height="250" style="position:absolute; right: 40px; top: 80px;"> <img src="" width="250" height="250" style="position:absolute; left: 130px; bottom: 50px;"> ??? + `palmerpenguin` package and dataset currently very popular as fun demo dataset + supplanting `mtcars` and `iris` which were historically favored --- name: webintro class: center, top, inverse # .fancy[.salt[Websites] with Quarto:] .pull-left[ <img src="img/web.png" style="position:absolute; left: 50px; top: 150px;"> ] .pull-right[  ] --- class: left, top, inverse # .fancy[Scope of website tutorial:] .pull-left[.large[ 1. Basic (simple) website + Pictures + Data visualization + New pages 2. Local first 3. [Publish]( second 4. *You* can then take and customize as desired] ] <img src="img/focus.jpg" width="400" height="400" style="position:absolute; right: 150px; top: 170px;"> --- name: Building Websites in Quatro class: left, top, inverse # .fancy[Getting started:] .pull-left[.large[ 1. From the file menu, click: + `File -> New Project` 2. Select: + `New Directory -> Quarto Website` 3. Create a name for your `website` (in the black box) 4. Choose a name for your `New Project Directory` (blue box) ] ] <img src="img/Website/First.jpg" style="position:absolute; right: 330px; top: 5px;"> -- <img src="img/Website/Third.jpg" style="position:absolute; right: 70px; bottom: 200px;"> -- <img src="img/Website/fourth.jpg" style="position:absolute; right: 20px; bottom: -10px;"> -- <img src="img/Website/fifth.jpg" style="position:absolute; right: 5px; bottom: 10px;"> --- class: left, top, inverse # .fancy[The result:] .large[You should now have two default files:] <img src="img/Website/sixth part 1.jpg" style="position:absolute; right: -50px; top: 200px;"> <img src="img/Website/sixth part 2.jpg" style="position:absolute; left: 70px; bottom: 10px;"> --- class: left, top, inverse # .fancy[Activate!] .large[Clicking `Render` gives you an html page...] <img src="img/Website/seventh part 1.jpg" style="position:absolute; left: 70px; top: 200px;"> -- <img src="img/Website/seventh part 2.jpg" style="position:absolute; left: 200px; top: 300px;"> --- class: left, top, inverse # .fancy[Adding images] .pull-left[.large[To add you an image you can: 1. hit the `image` icon, then 2. you will hit browse and find the file you want to upload to your website]] <img src="img/Website/thirteen part 1.jpg" style="position:absolute; left: 620px; top: 100px;"> ??? + Discuss `source` versus `visual` options while editing + The image should already be saved in the folder with the `.qmd` script -- <img src="img/Website/thirteen part 2.jpg" style="position:absolute; right: 50px; top: 180px;"> -- <img src="img/Website/fourteen.jpg" style="position:absolute; left: 600px; top: 340px;"> --- # .fancy[There you have your penguins!] <img src="img/Website/penguins.jpg" width="70%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- class: left, top, inverse # .fancy[Adding data visuals:] .large[To build plots and graphs, we will use `R` script. To add a new .rblue[chunk], we will hit the `plus C` green button:]  ??? + `plus c` located in the upper-right of the menu bar + describe what a `chunk` is -- .large[Next, we will add the `R` commands that will create our visualization:]<br> \* You will be *provided* `R` commands within the breakout sessions (if you'd like)  --- class: left, top, inverse # .fancy[A little closer look at that chunk...] .pull-left[ ```r library(palmerpenguins) library(ggplot2) library(plotly) p <- plot_ly(data = penguins, x = ~bill_length_mm, y = ~bill_depth_mm, color = ~species, size = ~body_mass_g, text = ~island, alpha=.7) ``` ] .pull-right[
] ??? Run the script and you will get an interactive plot that allows you look average body mass for penguins split by their *species* and *sex* --- class: left, top, inverse # .fancy[Adding new pages] (Part I) .pull-left[.large[ To create a new tab in your website, you want to: 1. hit the the paper with the green plus, then 2. select quarto document Next, give your page a title and make sure that is selected on `HTML`] ] <img src="img/Website/eight.jpg" style="position:absolute; right: 100px; top: 10px;"> -- <img src="img/Website/nine.jpg" style="position:absolute; right: 60px; top: 160px;"> --- class: left, top, inverse # .fancy[Adding new pages] (Part II) .large[ The title is what the name of your new tab is going to be. After you want to save the file by clicking on the
and name it whatever you want. ] <img src="img/Website/ten.jpg" style="position:absolute; left: 100px; top: 260px;"> --- class: left, top, inverse # .fancy[Adding new pages] (Part III) .pull-left[.large[Lastly, you will add your new `.qmd` file into the `quarto.yml`, by putting it under `about.qmd` + make sure to be consistent: `"name of your new file".qmd`] ] <img src="img/Website/eleven.jpg" style="position:absolute; right: 50px; top: 140px;"> --- class: left, top, inverse # .fancy[Publishing - sharing your website] .pull-left[.large[ 1. head over to []( and create an account 2. access the `terminal` and type in "**quarto publish quarto-pub**" + use the login information that you used to sign up for quarto + last chance to change the website name you have originally chosen ...and you're done!! ]] <img src="img/Website/publish 1.jpg" style="position:absolute; left: 650px; bottom: 200px;"> --- class: left # .fancy[Putting all this together...] ## .fancy[...I'll do a quick `live` walk-through] .large[ 1. Create local project & files 2. Publish on []( ] <img src="img/firewalking.jpg" width="600" height="300" style="position:absolute; left: 550px; bottom: 100px;"> --- class: center # .fancy[Breakout Rooms #1]  --- name: reportintro class: center, top, inverse # .fancy[.salt[Reports] with Quarto:] .pull-left[ <img src="img/kpi-report.svg" width="500" height="500" style="position:absolute; left: 40px; bottom: 30px;"> ] .pull-right[  ] --- class: left, top, inverse # .fancy[Scope of reports tutorial:] .pull-left[.large[ 1. Choosing your desired report + .spssred[**template**] and + .spssred[**doc type**] 2. Adding + markdown syntax + `R` code 3. *You* can then take and apply your own data as desired] ] <img src="img/focus.jpg" width="400" height="400" style="position:absolute; right: 150px; top: 170px;"> --- name: templates class: left, top, inverse #.fancy[.salt[Templates]] ##.fancy[Many templates can be used:] -- <img src="img/template_1.png" width="250" height="270" style="position:absolute; left:10%"> -- <img src="img/template_2.png" width="250" height="270" style="position:absolute; left:40%"> -- <img src="img/template_3.png" width="250" height="270" style="position:absolute; left:70%"> -- <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> ##.fancy[All you need to do is find them!] --- name: formats1 class: left, top, inverse #.fancy[.salt[Formats]] ##.fancy[Three main output types to choose from:] -- <img src="img/html_icon.png" width="250" height="270" style="position:absolute; left:10%"> -- <img src="img/pdf_icon.png" width="250" height="270" style="position:absolute; left:40%"> -- <img src="img/word_icon.png" width="250" height="270" style="position:absolute; left:70%"> --- name: formats2 class: left, top, inverse #.fancy[.salt[Formats]] ##.fancy[Choosing a format is easy!] <img src="img/choose_format_1.png" width="250" style="position:absolute; left:65%; top: 10%"> --- name: formats3 class: left, top, inverse #.fancy[.salt[Formats]] ##.fancy[Choosing a format is easy!] <img src="img/choose_format_2.png" width="600" style="position:absolute; left:47%; top: 20%"> -- <img src="img/choose_format_3.png" width="600" style="position:absolute; left:47%; top: 20%"> --- name: formats4 class: left, top, inverse #.fancy[.salt[Formats]] ##.fancy[Choosing a format is easy!] <img src="img/choose_format_4.png" width="600" style="position:absolute; left:47%; top: 20%"> --- name: formats5 class: left, top, inverse #.fancy[.salt[Formats]] ##.fancy[Choosing a format is easy!] <img src="img/html_icon.png" width="250" height="270" style="position:absolute; left:10%"> <img src="img/choose_format_html.png" width=60% style="position:absolute; left:40%"> -- <img src="img/pdf_icon.png" width="250" height="270" style="position:absolute; left:10%"> <img src="img/choose_format_pdf.png" width=60% style="position:absolute; left:40%"> --- name: formats6 class: left, top, inverse #.fancy[.salt[Formats]] ##.fancy[Choosing a format is easy!] <img src="img/word_icon.png" width="250" height="270" style="position:absolute; left:10%"> <img src="img/choose_format_word.png" width=60% style="position:absolute; left:40%"> --- name: rmarkdown1 class: left, top, inverse #.fancy[.salt[Markdown Code]] ##.fancy[Use this to structure your document] --- name: rmarkdown2 class: left, top, inverse #.fancy[.salt[Markdown Code]] <img src="img/rmarkdown_1.png" width="1000" style="position:absolute; left:8%; top: 40%"> --- name: rmarkdown3 class: left, top, inverse #.fancy[.salt[Markdown Code]] <img src="img/rmarkdown_2.png" width="800" style="position:absolute; left:15%; top: 40%"> --- name: rmarkdown4 class: left, top, inverse #.fancy[.salt[Markdown Code]] ##.fancy[Use the 'Source' editing mode to see syntax] <img src="img/rmarkdown_3.png" width="800" style="position:absolute; left:15%; top: 40%"> --- name: rmarkdown5 class: left, top, inverse #.fancy[.salt[Markdown Code]] ##.fancy[Use the 'Source' editing mode to see syntax] <img src="img/rmarkdown_1.png" width="800" style="position:absolute; left:15%; top: 40%"> --- name: rmarkdown6 class: left, top, inverse #.fancy[.salt[Markdown Code]] ##.fancy[Use the 'Visual' editing mode to see the organized version] <img src="img/rmarkdown_3.png" width="800" style="position:absolute; left:15%; top: 40%"> --- name: rmarkdown7 class: left, top, inverse #.fancy[.salt[Markdown Code]] ##.fancy[Use the 'Visual' editing mode to see the organized version] <img src="img/rmarkdown_2.png" width="800" style="position:absolute; left:15%; top: 40%"> --- name: rmarkdown8 class: left, top, inverse #.fancy[.salt[Markdown Code]] ##.fancy[Insert an R code chunk with /] <img src="img/rmarkdown_4.png" width="600" style="position:absolute; left:60%; top: 10%"> --- name: markdown9 class: left, top, inverse ###.fancy[.salt[Markdown]] ##.fancy[Use the backtick ` to write R code inline] -- <img src="img/rmarkdown_5.png" width="800" style="position:absolute; left:20%; top: 40%"> -- <img src="img/rmarkdown_6.png" width="800" style="position:absolute; left:20%; top: 60%"> --- name: example class: left, top, inverse ###.fancy[.salt[Here's an example document!]] <img src="img/example_2_mike.png" width= 30% style="position:absolute; left:17%; top: 23%"> <img src="img/example_mike.png" width= 30% style="position:absolute; left:53%; top: 23%"> --- class: center # .fancy[Breakout Rooms #2]  --- name: paramintro class: center, top, inverse # .fancy[.salt[Parameterized] reports with Quarto:] .pull-left[ <img src="img/automation.svg" width="450" height="450" style="position:absolute; left: 80px; bottom: 50px;"> ] .pull-right[  ] --- class: left, top, inverse # .fancy[Scope of parameterization tutorial:] .pull-left[.large[ 1. Choosing focus of reports + How do you want to "slice" the data? 2. Specify parameters + script & `YAML` + Variable vs. value 3. Auto-generate parameterized reports 4. *You* can then take and slice your own data as desired] ] <img src="img/focus.jpg" width="400" height="400" style="position:absolute; right: 150px; top: 170px;"> --- name: Diegocontext class: left, top, inverse # .fancy[Example #1:] ## .fancy[..automating parameters in your
report] -- .pull-left[ # .fancy[Let's say you have a very elaborate Quarto script…] ] <img src="img/slide1_1.png" width="350" height="370" style="position:absolute; right:250px; top:250px;"> <img src="img/slide1_2.png" width="320" height="370" style="position:absolute; right: 50px; top:300px;"> --- name: Diegoslide2 class: left, top, inverse #.fancy[… and you want to change the data and/or parameters used to generate the plots, graphs, tables and text in your reports without having to edit your script or write new code] <img src="img/slide2_1.jpg" width="450" height="350" style="position:absolute; right: 230px; bottom:40px;"> --- name: Diegoslide3 class: left, top, inverse #.fancy[So you can generate reports like these:] ```r library(palmerpenguins) df1<-penguins%>%filter(year==params$year) df1 %>% ggplot() + aes(x = island) + geom_bar(fill = "#0c4c8a") + theme_minimal() ``` <img src="img/slide3_1.png" width="320" height="350" style="position:absolute; left:10%"> <img src="img/slide3_2.png" width="320" height="350" style="position:absolute; left:40%"> <img src="img/slide3_3.png" width="320" height="350" style="position:absolute; left:70%"> --- name: Diegoslide4 class: left, top, inverse #.fancy[Use parameters!] -- <img src="img/slide4_1.png" width="1100" height="700" style="position:absolute; left:4%"> --- name: Diegoslide5 class: left, top, inverse #.fancy[Example #2] ## .fancy[Let's say your data looks like this:] ```r df<-read.csv("percentiles scores.csv") kable(df) ``` |Respondent | Adaptable| Assertive| Competitive| Cooperation| Dependability| Engageability| Influencing| Initiative| Creative| Principled| Mindful| Multitasking| Energetic| Optimism| Methodical| Persistence| Achievement.Oriented| Analytical.Thinking| Concern.for.Others| Rule.Follower| Detail.Oriented| Learning.Orientation| Self.control| Social.Desirability| Stress.Tolerance| Team.Orientation| Agreeableness| Conscientousness| Neuroticism| Extraversion| Openmindedness| |:------------------------------|---------:|---------:|-----------:|-----------:|-------------:|-------------:|-----------:|----------:|--------:|----------:|-------:|------------:|---------:|--------:|----------:|-----------:|--------------------:|-------------------:|------------------:|-------------:|---------------:|--------------------:|------------:|-------------------:|----------------:|----------------:|-------------:|----------------:|-----------:|------------:|--------------:| | | 17| 43| 3| 66| 64| 0| 16| 61| 14| 81| 52| 23| 40| 19| 76| 43| 29| 34| 73| 60| 23| 7| 55| 44| 69| 48| 64| 51| 39| 21| 12| | | 73| 74| 76| 94| 42| 77| 65| 64| 92| 40| 21| 97| 40| 58| 71| 37| 64| 30| 68| 10| 5| 49| 7| 48| 22| 92| 89| 30| 32| 65| 68| | | 58| 54| 68| 36| 23| 51| 77| 34| 35| 40| 26| 37| 24| 67| 38| 40| 37| 30| 32| 60| 61| 72| 55| 13| 44| 45| 36| 42| 55| 52| 44| | | 93| 96| 55| 95| 87| 96| 96| 94| 95| 93| 96| 75| 82| 92| 93| 98| 94| 97| 93| 91| 76| 97| 93| 98| 94| 93| 96| 94| 96| 96| 98| | | 34| 78| 91| 51| 77| 89| 23| 90| 20| 87| 68| 88| 58| 82| 80| 67| 93| 83| 92| 52| 74| 86| 91| 67| 79| 92| 87| 83| 78| 76| 62| | | 84| 73| 71| 69| 86| 70| 63| 67| 75| 81| 94| 90| 76| 73| 71| 76| 79| 63| 75| 70| 74| 75| 55| 96| 79| 72| 75| 81| 78| 77| 75| | | 58| 90| 80| 51| 87| 51| 94| 82| 80| 85| 91| 81| 55| 70| 80| 72| 74| 74| 65| 86| 79| 53| 71| 62| 76| 61| 61| 87| 72| 88| 74| | | 60| 52| 81| 36| 36| 19| 67| 46| 82| 65| 59| 32| 43| 38| 17| 59| 42| 59| 34| 35| 29| 45| 40| 19| 59| 58| 42| 27| 51| 64| 68| | | 4| 45| 13| 36| 82| 83| 29| 90| 16| 83| 82| 12| 91| 10| 85| 65| 89| 30| 77| 63| 68| 27| 73| 62| 14| 23| 46| 84| 15| 54| 19| |NA | 98| 78| 2| 51| 82| 83| 86| 91| 98| 88| 88| 98| 78| 92| 43| 86| 93| 93| 93| 14| 90| 96| 90| 99| 96| 58| 76| 71| 97| 68| 98| | | 7| 8| 5| 18| 82| 77| 1| 55| 1| 71| 35| 3| 78| 42| 87| 62| 39| 12| 37| 35| 35| 4| 86| 23| 26| 5| 14| 60| 34| 14| 2| | | 55| 39| 58| 44| 67| 51| 52| 64| 70| 15| 57| 62| 65| 61| 52| 57| 53| 17| 51| 43| 41| 42| 57| 71| 59| 39| 44| 52| 59| 57| 44| | | 34| 41| 76| 59| 67| 67| 41| 55| 32| 83| 75| 52| 82| 58| 66| 48| 77| 59| 32| 91| 87| 27| 49| 58| 50| 82| 59| 84| 47| 61| 36| | | 18| 90| 62| 18| 82| 80| 93| 90| 75| 34| 26| 11| 72| 22| 90| 74| 86| 42| 94| 21| 2| 49| 27| 67| 52| 3| 35| 55| 27| 89| 60| | | 93| 87| 90| 44| 75| 74| 95| 84| 87| 81| 96| 91| 95| 80| 52| 95| 91| 50| 57| 52| 76| 72| 78| 95| 88| 51| 51| 76| 90| 97| 77| | | 65| 84| 79| 40| 77| 95| 77| 92| 87| 90| 88| 82| 97| 67| 52| 89| 96| 20| 60| 52| 89| 45| 73| 71| 56| 16| 36| 83| 67| 93| 58| | | 99| 98| 94| 86| 87| 94| 98| 95| 97| 92| 94| 96| 98| 94| 87| 97| 95| 83| 94| 73| 85| 98| 90| 97| 97| 87| 93| 92| 98| 99| 97| | | 47| 48| 81| 84| 36| 43| 35| 40| 32| 62| 89| 64| 78| 82| 32| 79| 39| 42| 32| 49| 55| 27| 52| 75| 69| 69| 62| 40| 65| 66| 30| | | 34| 27| 6| 18| 25| 4| 35| 23| 43| 11| 30| 6| 31| 29| 8| 28| 6| 67| 15| 13| 21| 21| 52| 62| 46| 16| 13| 8| 39| 16| 41| | | 97| 78| 7| 96| 52| 39| 83| 12| 59| 62| 1| 5| 14| 1| 3| 11| 0| 23| 22| 0| 0| 8| 10| 6| 21| 97| 84| 0| 25| 26| 26| | | 63| 39| 25| 29| 55| 67| 43| 37| 4| 34| 52| 50| 33| 54| 38| 54| 62| 86| 88| 79| 65| 65| 55| 62| 41| 25| 53| 63| 53| 34| 37| | | 52| 81| 76| 40| 84| 80| 81| 94| 82| 91| 64| 72| 58| 84| 84| 74| 83| 88| 65| 89| 87| 90| 92| 75| 84| 61| 57| 90| 84| 85| 90| | | 77| 69| 58| 47| 42| 70| 35| 46| 32| 85| 47| 68| 63| 78| 87| 48| 59| 38| 87| 73| 76| 75| 68| 85| 72| 33| 61| 73| 77| 55| 47| | | 24| 25| 85| 62| 28| 67| 13| 15| 9| 46| 57| 3| 17| 80| 68| 46| 29| 74| 73| 96| 81| 72| 24| 48| 10| 89| 80| 69| 26| 30| 43| | | 22| 84| 53| 86| 77| 70| 81| 82| 29| 88| 93| 62| 45| 67| 76| 86| 37| 74| 57| 70| 29| 72| 82| 35| 89| 72| 74| 61| 72| 79| 57| | | 0| 3| 1| 3| 13| 59| 10| 0| 1| 6| 0| 0| 0| 0| 6| 0| 1| 0| 2| 9| 0| 5| 0| 5| 0| 8| 2| 1| 0| 0| 0| | | 84| 61| 45| 33| 87| 70| 67| 92| 78| 88| 85| 86| 94| 73| 80| 89| 93| 67| 62| 57| 87| 61| 84| 75| 84| 42| 46| 88| 86| 82| 73| | | 27| 73| 97| 3| 61| 74| 77| 67| 89| 17| 37| 64| 95| 48| 25| 70| 86| 90| 1| 2| 38| 57| 68| 13| 35| 1| 1| 34| 42| 91| 86| | | 1| 56| 56| 13| 84| 63| 27| 49| 1| 71| 85| 80| 67| 12| 88| 43| 59| 17| 5| 46| 90| 2| 49| 44| 48| 18| 8| 81| 16| 50| 2| | | 58| 73| 73| 66| 25| 39| 61| 75| 78| 34| 47| 80| 63| 35| 41| 40| 62| 59| 32| 18| 29| 53| 29| 58| 48| 51| 48| 30| 42| 69| 68| | | 52| 29| 11| 86| 36| 80| 63| 21| 65| 50| 26| 10| 14| 61| 1| 25| 29| 86| 87| 11| 14| 88| 66| 75| 86| 90| 91| 9| 72| 19| 83| | | 52| 41| 49| 36| 8| 25| 41| 28| 46| 28| 30| 56| 45| 45| 27| 57| 29| 26| 42| 38| 45| 27| 29| 75| 50| 64| 48| 23| 44| 42| 32| | | 86| 85| 88| 86| 70| 91| 19| 89| 62| 87| 91| 82| 93| 86| 35| 95| 94| 30| 92| 52| 58| 57| 40| 90| 69| 84| 91| 69| 75| 88| 51| | | 68| 48| 49| 93| 36| 35| 54| 37| 67| 53| 57| 52| 29| 54| 66| 48| 48| 55| 42| 43| 48| 65| 60| 82| 54| 86| 79| 48| 61| 43| 65| | | 27| 33| 51| 84| 45| 43| 25| 26| 35| 31| 19| 46| 24| 58| 73| 46| 37| 50| 40| 88| 45| 65| 11| 26| 19| 42| 55| 63| 22| 30| 48| | | 81| 89| 92| 51| 80| 87| 91| 77| 82| 83| 59| 93| 83| 67| 73| 84| 93| 71| 85| 77| 92| 65| 63| 71| 79| 42| 64| 89| 77| 93| 77| | | 58| 76| 77| 66| 48| 55| 63| 67| 67| 78| 85| 75| 83| 58| 73| 74| 72| 59| 24| 79| 55| 72| 49| 48| 74| 77| 55| 71| 63| 80| 69| | | 63| 54| 66| 55| 42| 47| 59| 49| 65| 56| 71| 68| 70| 80| 25| 57| 42| 59| 54| 46| 48| 53| 73| 78| 74| 55| 55| 38| 76| 63| 61| | | 50| 61| 77| 40| 25| 35| 69| 61| 56| 53| 33| 58| 58| 61| 63| 48| 42| 55| 51| 65| 65| 38| 68| 58| 52| 20| 35| 53| 58| 68| 50| | | 60| 39| 69| 29| 72| 77| 35| 31| 32| 26| 47| 28| 63| 64| 66| 37| 48| 2| 60| 43| 58| 2| 55| 48| 54| 36| 42| 59| 59| 46| 5| | | 83| 85| 94| 10| 82| 96| 97| 72| 92| 76| 57| 84| 43| 93| 63| 72| 70| 46| 87| 9| 55| 24| 68| 13| 79| 13| 35| 54| 86| 90| 64| |NA | 36| 31| 45| 26| 2| 6| 37| 9| 20| 6| 14| 30| 29| 12| 12| 17| 9| 6| 7| 26| 19| 10| 24| 16| 28| 30| 15| 7| 21| 22| 8| | | 52| 81| 95| 36| 55| 55| 52| 67| 75| 59| 57| 26| 95| 78| 32| 82| 56| 55| 62| 18| 26| 90| 43| 23| 69| 48| 50| 33| 63| 90| 79| | | 44| 86| 85| 79| 20| 51| 93| 49| 93| 46| 35| 66| 67| 45| 46| 28| 42| 83| 45| 63| 68| 27| 27| 7| 35| 72| 67| 47| 35| 81| 78| | | 52| 78| 45| 55| 36| 59| 63| 40| 59| 65| 54| 52| 31| 45| 60| 43| 37| 63| 34| 46| 45| 42| 35| 39| 54| 55| 46| 44| 47| 52| 55| | | 0| 91| 95| 11| 64| 80| 33| 55| 8| 85| 2| 19| 45| 0| 60| 6| 74| 4| 8| 97| 38| 2| 0| 0| 0| 61| 19| 78| 0| 64| 2| | | 70| 37| 56| 4| 82| 25| 31| 87| 20| 83| 91| 78| 82| 27| 23| 46| 64| 46| 0| 28| 55| 24| 78| 67| 74| 1| 0| 50| 67| 58| 25| | | 22| 22| 17| 7| 80| 47| 39| 31| 20| 71| 59| 72| 11| 51| 95| 46| 42| 88| 62| 91| 92| 90| 63| 71| 37| 11| 21| 89| 40| 19| 68| | | 84| 82| 12| 44| 82| 83| 61| 82| 78| 65| 94| 81| 88| 78| 73| 84| 72| 77| 60| 41| 58| 68| 71| 93| 89| 36| 46| 69| 86| 71| 78| | | 65| 81| 69| 40| 55| 80| 86| 61| 95| 81| 26| 64| 35| 80| 71| 54| 62| 74| 87| 54| 48| 90| 71| 48| 48| 61| 69| 61| 67| 72| 92| | | 65| 86| 92| 26| 67| 67| 61| 79| 56| 68| 75| 77| 72| 64| 41| 81| 74| 55| 29| 30| 79| 72| 82| 16| 85| 42| 30| 60| 80| 87| 62| | | 0| 1| 1| 10| 70| 2| 1| 55| 14| 21| 22| 6| 1| 0| 87| 1| 12| 4| 8| 79| 45| 3| 4| 6| 0| 6| 5| 61| 0| 0| 4| | | 99| 98| 85| 99| 80| 87| 97| 92| 98| 93| 93| 96| 99| 94| 30| 98| 95| 99| 95| 20| 68| 98| 95| 96| 97| 99| 99| 64| 99| 99| 99| | | 63| 52| 7| 94| 75| 87| 86| 31| 82| 83| 26| 30| 38| 88| 30| 40| 72| 63| 79| 30| 61| 90| 63| 23| 48| 98| 95| 54| 67| 37| 84| | | 39| 15| 32| 62| 36| 28| 29| 28| 32| 50| 42| 19| 13| 54| 78| 54| 45| 55| 54| 65| 26| 65| 43| 67| 44| 55| 57| 52| 44| 20| 48| |NA | 7| 6| 1| 88| 11| 55| 9| 8| 32| 19| 30| 36| 29| 45| 2| 9| 13| 17| 79| 5| 13| 24| 5| 75| 19| 82| 86| 4| 11| 2| 21| | | 77| 95| 69| 40| 70| 80| 95| 84| 67| 88| 54| 62| 65| 61| 43| 65| 90| 86| 34| 8| 19| 83| 90| 71| 88| 64| 45| 44| 86| 89| 82| | | 65| 73| 53| 91| 82| 87| 67| 64| 73| 81| 94| 73| 94| 92| 71| 92| 72| 74| 91| 89| 58| 68| 78| 97| 94| 86| 92| 81| 89| 82| 75| | | 47| 16| 24| 26| 58| 32| 5| 43| 50| 15| 86| 50| 22| 48| 55| 43| 29| 67| 7| 79| 90| 68| 52| 58| 87| 16| 11| 67| 65| 15| 62| | | 91| 58| 35| 47| 86| 70| 63| 95| 86| 90| 59| 75| 72| 38| 93| 86| 96| 88| 91| 43| 55| 88| 32| 75| 13| 72| 78| 86| 41| 74| 91| | | 84| 43| 51| 8| 55| 67| 7| 72| 78| 31| 61| 78| 50| 48| 13| 51| 79| 55| 40| 13| 51| 45| 66| 30| 74| 28| 21| 37| 74| 39| 64| | | 75| 54| 43| 90| 61| 39| 25| 64| 67| 87| 86| 62| 78| 70| 52| 79| 51| 55| 42| 65| 76| 65| 71| 75| 87| 84| 76| 63| 81| 58| 65| | | 52| 11| 34| 23| 25| 35| 5| 43| 43| 43| 64| 12| 63| 51| 4| 57| 20| 30| 27| 8| 26| 21| 68| 67| 63| 36| 26| 9| 61| 24| 29| |NA | 73| 58| 53| 99| 80| 32| 13| 72| 67| 46| 97| 52| 95| 82| 52| 87| 64| 50| 40| 86| 61| 68| 82| 26| 72| 86| 84| 74| 81| 67| 65| | | 24| 45| 47| 10| 18| 10| 39| 21| 17| 31| 75| 56| 14| 3| 71| 32| 32| 34| 22| 43| 76| 27| 40| 39| 37| 11| 11| 47| 20| 29| 21| | | 39| 23| 16| 47| 64| 59| 12| 70| 6| 5| 21| 70| 40| 42| 88| 32| 48| 55| 88| 68| 68| 34| 20| 71| 14| 55| 70| 73| 22| 22| 20| |NA | 50| 56| 71| 55| 18| 39| 86| 46| 53| 62| 47| 41| 50| 58| 80| 51| 32| 30| 32| 60| 38| 49| 27| 67| 29| 69| 51| 45| 37| 67| 44| |NA | 36| 41| 39| 13| 72| 70| 16| 75| 65| 50| 59| 52| 60| 48| 93| 37| 39| 50| 10| 83| 71| 49| 78| 71| 78| 14| 9| 80| 64| 40| 57| | | 17| 58| 28| 97| 87| 91| 9| 94| 22| 62| 83| 98| 90| 78| 95| 81| 62| 42| 75| 90| 97| 38| 71| 30| 67| 84| 90| 93| 58| 61| 29| | | 90| 90| 64| 66| 86| 63| 71| 89| 92| 90| 89| 97| 80| 84| 12| 84| 84| 67| 73| 63| 79| 91| 73| 95| 89| 69| 72| 68| 89| 86| 90| | | 95| 96| 68| 99| 0| 6| 96| 2| 95| 9| 1| 68| 5| 12| 0| 0| 8| 7| 79| 0| 2| 5| 1| 7| 22| 99| 98| 0| 24| 40| 36| | | 41| 61| 47| 59| 48| 77| 46| 17| 62| 78| 16| 41| 21| 32| 30| 23| 45| 26| 77| 54| 58| 72| 16| 44| 22| 64| 70| 46| 24| 32| 55| | | 12| 3| 49| 47| 64| 35| 27| 70| 8| 19| 22| 19| 29| 51| 68| 35| 56| 63| 57| 90| 51| 45| 40| 9| 13| 11| 34| 73| 21| 24| 28| |NA | 29| 23| 41| 44| 10| 22| 37| 23| 29| 17| 28| 44| 31| 24| 32| 21| 24| 10| 22| 35| 26| 16| 24| 30| 18| 67| 42| 20| 20| 24| 15| | | 39| 4| 51| 15| 36| 47| 13| 58| 35| 13| 47| 15| 48| 38| 78| 76| 59| 95| 16| 83| 48| 88| 87| 44| 33| 8| 10| 66| 50| 30| 78| | | 44| 25| 17| 18| 5| 10| 52| 21| 37| 15| 33| 30| 29| 24| 15| 3| 5| 17| 16| 21| 23| 18| 63| 53| 44| 23| 16| 7| 43| 15| 21| | | 47| 5| 64| 20| 23| 7| 6| 6| 40| 0| 3| 60| 38| 2| 68| 11| 15| 4| 45| 35| 48| 18| 4| 2| 2| 25| 28| 33| 4| 11| 16| | | 20| 1| 51| 86| 72| 4| 83| 43| 29| 40| 1| 6| 4| 2| 30| 11| 3| 55| 60| 65| 61| 38| 35| 5| 6| 72| 75| 37| 8| 18| 37| | | 4| 20| 2| 36| 42| 19| 29| 28| 1| 34| 47| 7| 31| 9| 92| 12| 37| 34| 57| 89| 38| 14| 32| 58| 6| 8| 28| 69| 6| 10| 5| | | 0| 25| 4| 98| 82| 32| 93| 40| 14| 76| 6| 0| 5| 48| 76| 62| 34| 93| 91| 97| 83| 90| 10| 30| 6| 67| 92| 84| 4| 26| 68| | | 47| 82| 69| 55| 70| 85| 83| 58| 56| 76| 61| 36| 33| 75| 85| 84| 62| 71| 85| 96| 81| 91| 89| 85| 85| 77| 78| 87| 80| 76| 77| | | 7| 1| 6| 55| 80| 25| 4| 34| 7| 37| 59| 5| 1| 48| 35| 37| 10| 67| 65| 97| 51| 68| 82| 75| 31| 45| 56| 61| 35| 2| 36| | | 91| 63| 86| 18| 52| 19| 48| 79| 46| 21| 78| 73| 92| 22| 9| 57| 51| 38| 5| 5| 32| 24| 84| 48| 93| 13| 8| 19| 84| 79| 34| | | 68| 45| 7| 86| 87| 89| 39| 64| 65| 53| 73| 75| 16| 54| 87| 84| 51| 97| 91| 84| 74| 95| 71| 78| 56| 87| 91| 83| 64| 33| 92| | | 41| 67| 49| 36| 45| 32| 37| 15| 20| 31| 28| 19| 85| 58| 13| 6| 3| 1| 62| 16| 13| 4| 22| 75| 69| 55| 53| 9| 48| 40| 3| | | 24| 65| 68| 1| 52| 39| 52| 40| 75| 76| 33| 20| 24| 13| 27| 4| 45| 50| 5| 38| 83| 49| 2| 1| 9| 18| 4| 48| 7| 38| 62| | | 83| 76| 95| 95| 82| 59| 78| 84| 80| 81| 64| 80| 43| 93| 63| 91| 86| 80| 92| 65| 58| 91| 93| 82| 79| 87| 94| 77| 91| 88| 88| | | 70| 10| 14| 18| 72| 80| 23| 61| 35| 26| 68| 88| 95| 64| 84| 32| 67| 88| 65| 46| 51| 61| 71| 71| 29| 20| 32| 69| 58| 32| 62| | | 60| 61| 24| 13| 5| 28| 81| 2| 95| 62| 10| 34| 11| 5| 8| 6| 20| 83| 27| 7| 71| 72| 16| 23| 14| 13| 14| 11| 16| 21| 90| | | 65| 45| 79| 26| 10| 6| 57| 26| 46| 10| 42| 30| 33| 29| 17| 48| 37| 2| 15| 35| 32| 34| 35| 58| 52| 18| 16| 20| 46| 51| 19| | | 58| 96| 93| 40| 87| 91| 99| 90| 89| 93| 14| 75| 76| 88| 87| 72| 93| 97| 83| 77| 95| 97| 93| 11| 87| 61| 67| 93| 88| 97| 97| | | 31| 52| 83| 44| 64| 74| 41| 12| 17| 28| 40| 9| 16| 92| 21| 90| 45| 38| 2| 43| 13| 21| 87| 26| 74| 23| 12| 32| 77| 52| 20| | | 50| 78| 88| 6| 55| 51| 86| 58| 73| 50| 3| 60| 74| 67| 25| 37| 67| 90| 27| 30| 76| 53| 49| 16| 67| 3| 7| 50| 60| 81| 77| | | 41| 52| 71| 33| 80| 80| 14| 70| 65| 71| 71| 78| 78| 54| 87| 94| 91| 86| 57| 63| 96| 61| 71| 35| 52| 51| 48| 90| 55| 67| 74| |NA | 15| 4| 55| 96| 2| 5| 35| 2| 5| 13| 28| 46| 22| 42| 52| 3| 10| 2| 88| 38| 7| 7| 35| 35| 26| 93| 95| 12| 24| 9| 2| | | 47| 7| 66| 29| 13| 5| 7| 19| 17| 10| 26| 20| 40| 24| 6| 28| 10| 7| 15| 24| 5| 18| 40| 30| 46| 64| 31| 6| 38| 18| 10| | | 55| 39| 18| 26| 0| 0| 77| 1| 67| 1| 10| 17| 6| 38| 0| 0| 1| 4| 15| 2| 0| 34| 2| 9| 5| 55| 27| 0| 11| 8| 29| | | 55| 69| 83| 23| 75| 74| 43| 90| 26| 43| 73| 64| 91| 42| 63| 70| 89| 55| 37| 54| 41| 53| 57| 48| 76| 20| 24| 71| 62| 82| 41| | | 58| 27| 21| 62| 25| 55| 25| 40| 75| 65| 28| 10| 10| 75| 13| 54| 29| 67| 51| 49| 35| 57| 22| 62| 26| 58| 57| 25| 41| 21| 70| | | 7| 8| 37| 10| 4| 6| 61| 0| 17| 1| 10| 6| 16| 22| 46| 14| 6| 59| 16| 57| 79| 38| 24| 23| 6| 10| 9| 27| 9| 11| 32| | | 34| 12| 25| 44| 33| 25| 33| 17| 20| 31| 37| 30| 14| 70| 49| 32| 29| 50| 65| 60| 68| 53| 80| 39| 54| 48| 54| 47| 61| 15| 36| | | 89| 2| 1| 91| 30| 35| 2| 40| 40| 4| 19| 78| 10| 32| 52| 46| 48| 8| 83| 33| 71| 18| 4| 62| 3| 92| 92| 45| 19| 3| 18| | | 83| 17| 28| 62| 28| 22| 16| 13| 29| 13| 28| 86| 26| 48| 17| 40| 18| 46| 48| 38| 38| 31| 55| 48| 46| 51| 54| 22| 60| 16| 32| |NA | 52| 10| 37| 15| 0| 0| 23| 0| 4| 1| 1| 11| 40| 22| 1| 3| 0| 10| 0| 21| 2| 0| 1| 1| 28| 1| 0| 0| 16| 7| 1| | | 50| 52| 47| 90| 87| 83| 14| 72| 80| 78| 73| 28| 31| 96| 55| 70| 74| 83| 81| 99| 83| 91| 93| 95| 69| 95| 93| 91| 84| 43| 89| | | 55| 45| 64| 40| 23| 32| 78| 55| 67| 46| 54| 60| 50| 54| 52| 67| 51| 59| 45| 60| 68| 45| 66| 39| 65| 45| 43| 50| 62| 64| 60| | | 27| 45| 56| 62| 42| 19| 52| 52| 40| 53| 54| 52| 43| 45| 58| 25| 27| 12| 57| 63| 26| 27| 57| 9| 48| 58| 60| 42| 43| 45| 23| | | 65| 39| 41| 69| 80| 83| 54| 55| 56| 78| 88| 68| 38| 75| 68| 76| 70| 74| 70| 81| 65| 83| 52| 96| 63| 61| 69| 78| 66| 50| 74| | | 60| 41| 37| 44| 11| 19| 35| 23| 29| 9| 40| 70| 65| 35| 78| 28| 42| 12| 29| 35| 41| 24| 40| 39| 63| 48| 38| 39| 51| 35| 18| | | 65| 67| 43| 62| 45| 25| 50| 49| 65| 26| 52| 50| 33| 54| 63| 51| 34| 63| 57| 57| 61| 65| 32| 71| 50| 69| 64| 53| 51| 49| 66| | | 79| 86| 83| 51| 55| 83| 73| 46| 62| 56| 75| 60| 58| 61| 43| 62| 81| 71| 40| 28| 16| 45| 68| 30| 76| 55| 48| 44| 75| 77| 61| --- name: Diegoslide6 class: left, top, inverse # .fancy[...and you want to .spssred[automate] individual reports for each respondent] <img src="img/slide6_1.png" width="320" height="400" style="position:absolute; left:10%"> <img src="img/slide6_2.png" width="320" height="400" style="position:absolute; left:40%"> <img src="img/slide6_3.png" width="320" height="400" style="position:absolute; left:70%"> --- name: Diegoslide7 class: left, top, inverse #.fancy[Parameters again!] ## .fancy[...this time a little bit more complicated:] <img src="img/slide7_1.png" width="1200" height="300" style="position:absolute; top:40%; left: 1%"> --- name: Diegoslide8 class: left, top, inverse #.fancy[Your output:] <img src="img/slide8_1.png" width="400" height="600" style="position:absolute; left:40%; bottom: 5%"> --- class: center # .fancy[Breakout Rooms #3]  --- class: left, top, inverse ##.salt[.fancy[Additional resources:]] .pull-left[ ###<img class="circle" src="img/alison.jpg" alt="Alison" width="70px"/>.fancy[Alison Hill]: + [
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